Saturday, May 9, 2009

Shouting Into The Closet

Just when you think it can’t get anymore ridiculous, the right wing punditry steps on Obama for ordering a cheeseburger and asking for “spicy mustard, maybe Dijon” rather than good old American ketchup. I kid you not. Hannity, Limbaugh and Ingraham all checked in on this one. There are two particularly funny parts of this. Obviously, the problem is that Dijon is in France, the right wing’s idea of the anti-America. (Thanks again for saving our bacon in the American Revolution.) Grey Poupon is, and has always been, a product of Kraft, a company as American as, well, mustard. Anyone who’s ever been to Chicago knows that mustard is the condiment of choice and if you ask for ketchup, you’d better be under twelve. So it’s come to this; the best the vast right wing conspiracy can come up with is his choice of burger topping?

Holy crap! It’s worse than even I thought!


Steve said...

lt should be very, very encouraging to those of us who appreciate the important things he is doing. My most encouraging moment this last week was when he said to really make cuts in our budget, we need to address health care. While all the fascists focus on mustard, their buddies in the absolutely Machiavellian halls of lobbyists and drug lords are in Obama's sights.

I have been feeling like saying it for some time you remember this?


I feel like that could be his slogan.

Fatalist Bibliophile said...

I feel proud that our president would do something like this just to tick off the right wingists. The more they complain about little things, the better he looks, so keep it up hannity