Friday, May 8, 2009

More Madness from the Right

These people just won’t get a clue to save their lives. How many ways can you call the President “radical” before realizing that he is both the elected leader and wildly popular? How can a majority be rationally called “radical”? I return again to the “socialist” label than conservative pundits use at their peril. I know a lot of people who’d pay more in taxes to avoid student loans and health insurance nightmares. The USSR has been gone for decades, so the “commie” label just doesn’t scare like it used to. Um, let’s see, helping the poor? Check. Fairness? Check. Education for all? Check. Affordable healthcare for all? Check. I can’t tell whether that’s more Jesus or Marx. Oh well. That’s what we get for raising a generation of thoughtful and empathetic young adults. They voted him in and just might not be the biggest fans of the selfish, Ayn Randian right wing Republican Party.


Fatalist Bibliophile said...

whats really funny(and ironic) is that the right wing most outspoken people(hannity, limbaugh...) has alienated most of the american public. so the ones who are the most terrified of the radicals is...the radicals themselves? because isnt a radical someone who's beliefs are different than the rest?

Jeff said...

Radical is based on the latin for "root", so to be radical merely means to be very, very based in what you believe.