Thursday, May 14, 2009

Health Care and the Lunatic Right

Okay, if you love your health insurance company, raise your hand. No one? Anyone? Huh. I guess people aren’t happy with their health insurance companies. After all, their incentive is to get as much of your money as possible and pay out as little of it as possible. How is this a recipe for happy healthy outcomes? It isn’t.

And yet, the assclowns of the Republican Party, out of intense ideological purity, insist that the worst thing that could happen would be for the government to cover health care for all Americans in a single payer system. I think they just might be on the wrong side of history (again).

Basically, on talk radio, they say things like you’ll be on a waiting list for years, no one will go to med school, government bureaucrats will make your medical decisions and a whole lot of other nonsense. One problem; the rest of the developed world does it that way, and for way less money and with way better results. Someone on NPR yesterday offered this way to investigate if it works. Take your phone number and add a Canadian area code. Call and ask how they like their healthcare system. Is that enough for you?

We spend more on health care and live less long than most developed countries. How about we get off of the ideological bullshit express and do the right thing? The entire health insurance industry is nothing but a bloodsucking industry taking our dollars and limiting our access to healthcare. Would taxes go up? Yes, but expenses (at least to the health insurance oligarchy) would go down. What’s to hate? This is a genuine citizens’ vs. big business issue and for Dog’s sake let’s get it right this time.