Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Okay, so the right really hates taxes. Somehow borrowing trillions from the Chinese is better than taxing Americans for American stuff. Hmmm. How does that scale? Anyway, they really don’t want anyone anywhere ever paying taxes, and somehow that leads to a better future. Don’t know about you, but I like paved roads, police protection, regulation of food safety, zoning and a host of other things our taxes buy us. I think we could shrink the military budget by 75% and not miss a step, but I digress.

A favorite of the right and especially Libertarians is the so-called “fair tax”.

The idea is that transactions are taxed, rather than earnings or income. It’s a consumption tax. Uh huh. This is going to work. How about if I sell a car to a relative (which I just did). Are we expected to cough up a tax? What if I don’t? What about yard sales? Barter? Gun shows? I can’t imagine a more intrusive invasion of privacy than checking up on all personal transactions. When I was 29, my dad gave me $20,000. When I was 36, I bought him a $20,000 Miata. Was that a taxable transaction? What if I donated $30,000 to the SAAB dealership and coincidentally they donated a car to me. Is that taxable? The rate they presume for this scheme is 23%, so my dealing with the SAAB dealer would save me almost $7,000. As much effort as is spent on tax avoidance now, one could only imagine the kind of scams that would proliferate under a “fair tax”. I honestly think these right wing assclowns want the US government to simply collapse to fit into their virulently anti-tax, anti-government agenda.

Thanks Dog the Republicans are down to one in five Americans.


HDLee said...

when is the USA going to legalize "low level" drugs and start taxing those ???

demolishing the prohibition laws for alcohol consumption was part of the solution in the 30's.

how many stoned hippies have you seen fighting, or causing havoc on the roads . . . or violently rioting ???

Jeff said...

Would you rather live next door to a stoner or a drunk? 'Nuff said.

Steve said...

depends...who is more sharing?

Steve said...

OK, serious comment:

1) DOESN'T THE IDEA OF no taxes sound like the idea of a free lunch? it just can't exist in a real universe, and one should not believe anything else that someone proposing either says about anything else.

2) You listed a number of things that Taxes pay for. Education also comes to mind. Why wouldn't health care be as universal as education, especially if it could focus on prevention of preventable diseases? This seems like a simple and irrefutable argument for universal health care, but I don't hear any one saying it.
3) OK, 3 things: I agree that he is heading in the right direction in many cases, but how controlled do you think Obama is by the lobbies? the 17Billion in efficiency cuts made me immediately doubt his independence from lobbyists.

PS...HDlee: so sorry about Zuma's victory. Do you see that as the vacuum of viable alternatives, or a crass example of power in the hands of the wrong group of people?

Steve said...

OK indulge one more response: speaking of " Fair Tax" AS even your examples showed, the fair tax will be avoided by the rich, and only the lowest in our society will be paying it fully.

Reminds me of State Lotteries and the Casinos that are showing up every where. All a form of taxation on those who hope against hope.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,
"Fair Tax" is to be paid only when people buy new items, not used ones.
Ushta te (May you be happy)