Thursday, May 21, 2009

Republican Self-Immolation

It’s almost enough to make you feel sorry for them, until you remember how much they screwed over this country and its’ people. If you missed it, here’s a great clip of Jesse Ventura taking down Sean Hannity. My favorite part is when a straight-faced Sean claims that Bush left America in better shape than he inherited it. Unfreakingbelievable.

Everything I’ve heard from any right wing pundit, talking head or guest on The View says the same thing, “We need to be true to our conservative roots and stop acting like Democrats Lite.” You can’t make this shit up. It’s also hilarious when they try to distance themselves from George W. Bush, whom they backed with Messianic fever for both terms. I actually heard one on NPR yesterday that people had somehow come to confuse “conservative” with “republican”. Really? Ya think so? How the hell could that happen?

Maybe we’ll see the right try to start a national Conservative Party that would be ideologically to the right of the Republicans. I’d donate right up to the legal limit to get that off the ground and watch them crumble into tiny splinters (to mix a metaphor) and into complete ineffectiveness so they would stop ruining my country.

I was in Costa Rica with my nephew Aaron and his wife Carla, and we were just being amazed at how clean, prosperous, healthy and well educated the country is. They stopped having a military in 1948; now THAT’S progressive. Neighboring Nicaragua has a GDP per capita of $2,900, Guatemala $5,200, and Costa Rica $11,600. Carla made the comment that Costa Rica is what happens when educated Liberals run a country. Wouldn’t it be nice to put the US through the same process?

Let me dream, okay?


Steve said...

I am forced periodically to watch Fox. And have to enjoy the shrillness. losers.

I am surprised you haven't commented on the "debate" between our president and citizen Cheney ( who is talking more now that he can command a fee) I hope people do not feel Obama did something wrong in that the senate reacted like true political hacks in rejecting his ( promised, right minded, morally correct, and ethically poignant) closure of Gitmo

Hearing Obama explain his position ( again!) made me, like Michelle, proud to be an American. Remember the smirking and idiotic banter of the previous head of state? I don't want to remember. This president assumes he is speaking to people who can think for themselves, and is not reducing his argument to vapid flag waving rhetoric.

I am so impressed with America these days. Principle ( which I say is like superman's creed) over expediency. In spite of the ... what do you call them? Assclowns? what does that mean, anyway? I cannot wrap around that metaphor...but in my gut, I know you are right. ( extra credit if you know what presidential campaign is took that from)

I went to a seminar today, jeff, where the pastor in charge explained that a woman of the street, and a church member told him the three things you need ot survive is a gun, a condom, and a bible. That started a discussion of social and sexual violence...and then this guy said that there is more violence because of the bible, than guns or condoms. I wish you were there, Jeff. It scared me and thrilled me...that someone who aligns himself with Jesus says the church hurts more people than gangs with guns. NOT that gangs don't hurt people...but that the church is worse. He made me laugh and cry and repent, and accuse, and then repent again ( Jesus said don't judge) Why is this a comment here? because I guess I am putting Republican, and conservative, and Christian together...c'mon, you who are Christians and reading this! admit it that jeff was being kind to Christians in not including them in the infernal league. The "Christian Right"
