Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My America doesn’t torture

I listened to some bonehead from the CIA on NPR this afternoon and he used the old canard, “Shouldn’t we use torture if we can save American lives?” He took it that his statement was inarguable.

I strongly disagree. I grew up in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I’m getting very tired of being told to be afraid. When I was growing up, I knew how I was probably going to die- a nuclear apocalypse of a war between the US and Soviet Union. Who's afraid of some rogue regime or band of zealots?

What’s the worst case scenario? A nuclear weapon takes out a million Americans? Let’s say 3 million. That’s one percent of the US population.

I would rather face a one percent chance of dying in a terror attack than live in a country that tortures people. The same goes for wiretapping, suspension of habeas corpus and the atrocities of Abu Graib. The next person that tells me, “But they cut heads off!” is going to get smacked. Let’s be brave again instead of scared.

I am not even vaguely fearful of terrorist attack.

I am terrified by the current administration.

I don’t want to be protected like this.

Stop being scared.

What the hell

I missed the political/religious/economic slug fest that was my nephew Nat's blog, SPQR, so I thought I'd pick a fight with the same people from that site and get a dialog going. One of my basic issues is trying to understand why American Christians turned so mean. Ghandi famously said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

That's my point.Preview

So here's my opening gambit- why are the top concerns of the religious right opposing gay marriage, opposing abortion and staying in Iraq when Jesus was either opposed to or mute on those very issues? My opinion is that they aren't Christians as much as they are Revelationary Leviticans. Can someone explain this to me?