Sunday, May 24, 2009

Good vs. Evil

So, is it just me or did the Cheney/Obama damn near consecutive speech thing look like Light vs. Dark? Cheney with that scowl and grinding voice selling all fear, all the time, everyone be very afraid as only I can protect you. Obama with another reasoned, well spoken, thoughtful take on things. I’m so tired of the whole fear thing. And when the hell did it become the Presidents number one job to “protect” us? This from the enemies of the “nanny state”? I thought it was protecting the Constitution. Silly fucking me.

We’ve seen more of Cheney than we did when he was in office, and it’s like he’s letting us know that the only reason the second GWB term wasn’t even worse (hard to imagine), is because people started listening to Condi more than him. My Dog, what a troll.

It’s especially funny in light of having actually watched both speeches, how the RightWingMedia machine could try to spin this as Obama is whining and Cheney is wise. How do you put “9/11” 27 times into a 20 minute speech, and then say, “We don’t want to dwell on the past”? Still, the thugs on the right offer headlines like “Cheney's Compelling, Human Speech Was Better Than Obama's Boring Legal Seminar” (US News).

Hannity went on the air gushing about what an all American Cheney is and what a show of gratitude we owe him for protecting us AFTER 9/11, but wait. Who was in charge on 9/11? None other than Monkey Boy and Darth Vader. How that smug jackass can say, “To the very end of our administration, we kept al-Qaeda terrorists busy with other problems. We focused on getting their secrets, instead of sharing ours with them. And on our watch, they never hit this country again. After the most lethal and devastating terrorist attack ever, seven and a half years without a repeat is not a record to be rebuked and scorned, much less criminalized. It is a record to be continued until the danger has passed.” Huh? On your watch more Americans BY FAR were killed by terrorists a month after you got a briefing headlined “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US” that detailed a plan to use airliners.

Let me guess. You couldn’t pursue it because Clinton thought it was important, but your ideological purity required ABC. Anything But Clinton. 3,000 Americans dead in the US and thousands more in Iraq and Afghanistan, cuz you had to be ideologically pure.

Thanks a lot, asshole.


phuckpolitics said...

I thought you knew everything that happened while Bush was in office was Clinton's fault, and everything that happens while Obama is in office is his fault.

HDLee said...

when i heard about the Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues . . . I thought sounds like a set-up to justify MORE WAR, MORE FEAR, and MORE BULLSHIT !!!

it begs the question . . . presidents or puppets???

phuckpolitics said...

I'd go with puppets.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing that Obama is ending the war, no longer spying on US citizens, getting rid of torture, and closing secret prisons. Oh wait.

Steve said...

Jeff: c'mon, Darth Vader doesn't deserve that analogy. He was much more forthright and honest.

HD: I actually keep being impressed with Obama. Time will tell, but he has taken some steps and made some moves that were not popular, but stuck with it and didn't back down. I think Gitmo is a case in point. I think the torture issue is a case where he has to say what he is saying, but also it is prudent to leave doubt in enemy's minds. I like that kind of politicizing.

all of youse: It's always easier to be cynical that sincere. Some might say wiser. But cynicism never made anything better.