Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Libertarian Paradise


HDLee said...

as an African - somehow that offends me . . .

have a friend who flys for the UN in Sudan - & another who just did the infamous road trip through Africa . . . Apparently Somalians - the regular folk on the dirt track were some of the most helpful & hospitable - even though they have so little.

Putting aside the pirates & politicians of course said...

as a human being with a sense of humor and a large measure of outrage at simple-minded "government-is-the-problem" reactionaries, i found it hilarious.

we're all africans, aren't we?

Fatalist Bibliophile said...

"and libertarian magic dust"

LOL! funniest thing ive heard all day

Jeff said...

Heidi, I am so very sorry if I offended you. All was meant in fun.