Sunday, May 3, 2009

Political Stance and Luck

I read an interesting bit on HuffPo today that confirmed a prejudice of mine. The author stated that you could guess a new acquaintance’s political views by asking what role luck had played in his or her life. If they say “none” they are almost certainly very conservative. “Outliers” is a book newly published that purports that even the great titans of industry or athletes or whatever owe much of their success to luck, circumstances and other people who played pivotal roles. Conservatives tend to believe that both the rich and the poor deserve it.

I’ve probably said 1,000 times to conservatives, “Bill Gates if born in 6th century Somalia wouldn’t have survived to adolescence.” That generally gets me a dumb look.

If you believe that everything you have or don’t have in life is due to hard work and initiative then naturally you won’t have much use for social justice, not to mention feeding, sheltering or educating the poor. Ironically a high proportion of these people are evangelical Christians who apparently never read their own book. I just wish for one super power; the ability to turn every wealthy American into a 6 year old in Darfur for a year, and let them retain the memory when returned to their previous lives. I’d like to think some minds would be changed. Anyone who tells me they had the wisdom and insight to be born to white parents in late 20th century who valued education and hard work can kiss my ass.

What ever happened to “there but for the grace of god go I”?


Deborah Barlow said...

When I first read some of the research about the role of self evaluation on issues like luck and political viewpoints, it made complete sense to me. I also liked the studies that correlate well adjusted, happy, well socialized adolescents with later in life liberal political viewpoints.

As for Mr. Gates, his dorkdom would have done him absolutely no good in 98% of the circumstances he could have been born in, now and in the past. Great example of right place, right time combined with his dogged (and slightly paranoid) obsessional behavior traits.

Seth said...

What happened to "there but for the grace of God go I"? Well, I'm not sure, but it seems to have been replaced with: "Proud to be an American."

Nobody remembers that pride is a sin. Or that "pride goeth before a fall". Or much of anything else, for that matter ;)

Personally, I think it would make more sense to say "Lucky to be an American", or "Glad to be an American." But "proud" makes it sound like you think it is some kind of accomplishment.