Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Utterly free unregulated markets- a nightmare

Today, we risk getting a little geeky by delving into a real pet peeve of mine. There is an entire generation of young conservatives out there who have learned some hard and fast rules that are, in fact, lies. In turn, they create some very strange opinions that fly in the face of logic, kindness and humanity to man.

Here are a few of the most egregious.

* Any government regulation of business is bad.

So you don’t mind if I open a branch of “Toxic Chemicals Are Us” next door to your daughter’s pre-school?

*Outsourcing government tasks is always best (known as the “yellow pages rule”)

One word answer. Blackwater.

*Equal opportunities should be offered, but no affirmative action.

The milk of these people’s human kindness is skimmed and powdered. Honestly.

* Lowering taxes raises always raises revenues.

The first GHW Bush referred to this as “voodoo economics”. It is absurd and has led to a $9 trillion debt burden to pass on to your kids and theirs.

There’s a lot more, but this is already too depressing to read.

Anyway, I tell liberal friend pretty often that, “It’s worst than you think.” It is.


Ben said...

OK, I only have a minute, so I can only take on one of those issues. I don't understand your issue with government regulation, or a lack thereof. If you open up a toxic chemical plant next to me, that doesn't give you a right to pollute my property or anyone else's, or even to release toxic chemicals into the air (because eventually they'll land on someone's property). And if you do those things, then I can sue you in court for harming my property.

I think the problem is that our government does not enforce property rights. The reason we have pollution is because our government forbids people from owning property such as rivers and parks, and then allows companies to pollute those "public" areas. If people owned those places, then no one would be able to pollute. Companies would be forced to develop newer, more innovative, more environmentally sound methods for disposing of their waste.

Finally, just look at the old USSR. Probably the most polluted place in history. Also, look at this list of the world's 10 most polluted places: http://www.blacksmithinstitute.org/ten.php

You'll notice that all ten are located in countries that have very large governments with lots of regulations, but very few, if any, property rights.