Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bush to Congress- "Don't tell generals what to do!"

Civilian control of the military is an important feature of this republic. Independent action by Generals or the Pentagon is the path to disaster, witness Pakistan. Why does the bonehead-in-chief think it’s wise and or prudent to hand over the strategy, goals or missions of the US armed forces there?

We have seen time and again truth to power speaking patriots get smeared and reviled by the administration. When they finally can find a willing dupe, they play it as, “All is well and always will be. Now shut up and support the troops.” I feel bad for Betraeus. Who had to get up there and twist the truth into a pretzel. He’s a motivated, driven guys. He wants to go places. He knows what they did to Shinseki. He’s spoken of running for President. For him, he has to make happy talk and try anything. If he turns around this disaster, he’s a shoe in for the White House. If he doesn’t, well, it was already broken when he got it. It's the way the hedge fund managers have to think. They get 20% of profits amd share none of the pain of losses. How would you invest under that scenario? Risky, risky, risky.

My nephew Nat tells me he’s teaching his high school students about the Constitution and balance of power between the branches of Government. Apparently very depressing when you see what a circus they’ve made of it.

I miss my country.