Sunday, November 4, 2007

Mountains of debt

It’s very disheartening to not be asked to sacrifice for the betterment of America. If someone in leadership would just stand up and say, “The most patriotic thing you can do is reduce your energy use. Oil revenues at record prices pay for nasty regimes around the world. Patriotic Americans carpool, they bike, they walk, they wear sweaters indoors in winter with the thermostat on 60. “

It’s part and parcel with the mountain of debt we are running up. The US owes the Chinese nearly a trillion dollars. That’s $3,000 for every man woman and child in America. The average family of four would need to cough up $500 a month to pay it down over 10 years. The 2 trillion dollar cost of the Iraq war is another $1,000 a month for our typical family. The country is living on credit cards, borrowing nearly $2 billion a day from the Chinese and others just to stay afloat.

By letting the debt build up, we are billing our children and grandchildren for our inability to ask Americans to sacrifice. Raising taxes is the responsible thing to do. Anybody with cojones in this Presidential pileup? Enough to tell Americans the truth? Enough to ask for sacrifice from those of us who didn’t enlist?