Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Republicans Losing It

You know, you just can’t make this stuff up. The whole “tea party” thing is pretty funny, but the best part is how they make themselves look increasingly lost to the young. They are promoting these things on Fox News, and Hannity, Limbaugh, et al are talking up teabagging as the great new Republican stand for the common man. Teabagging will be just the trick to reach out and grow the base!

One small problem. Before betting the house on it, you think one of these geniuses would google it. Apparently, anyone under 30 is fully aware that “teabagging” refers to scrotal/facial contact, often while the facial contributor is passed out or asleep and the scrotal contributor has a camera. There’s also a large gay fan club of the practice, which is just icing on the, er, nutbag.

C’mon Republicans! Let’s go teabagging!!

Next, this great piece in the WashPo has determined that Rush Limbaugh is the leading cause of the growth of socialism and socialist thought, especially among America’s youth.

I love it. Twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Union, “socialism” just isn’t the boogey man it once was. It’s more like, “European style socialism!” leads to kids looking it up on line and finding that in “European style socialism” education and health care are damn near free, life expectancies exceed our and they get 6 weeks of vacation to start. Where do I sign up?

Anyone under 40 today knows that communists are either crazy North Koreans, bullied people in Cuba or the people who make all the stuff we buy at Wal-Mart. They are likely much more pissed about some 27 year old on Wall Street making more in a year than their entire extended family will in their lifetime, after a taxpayer funded bailout. Now THAT’S where the populist rage is pointed, and the Republicans are having a hard time keeping a straight face talking to anyone but bankers and the mega wealthy.