Saturday, April 25, 2009

Republicans and Torture

So now, the right wing has their panties in a bunch over release of the now infamous “torture memos”. I’ve heard everything from how damaging this is to our security, demotivating for the CIA and a gift to terrorists everywhere. This from the same assclowns who preach that the ends don’t justify the means. Unless we’re scared. And man, they can spread fear like nobody’s business.

So here we have another example that shows the Christian/Right WingTM coalition is all about what the wealthy guys want rather than what their namesake (JC) would have to say about it. JC was severly tortured before being killed. I can infer two things from that; one, he’s not real keen on capital punishment, and two, he’s not a big fan of torture, having been a victim of each.

It’s disturbing that the issue has come down to whether it worked, rather than is it legal, moral, ethical or something we wouldn’t mind having done to our troops. America’s moral sense of goodness has been pretty trashed by the last eight years. Taking torture off the table would be a good start to shining it up a little.