Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting Rid of the RINOs

It’s really just too damn easy to shoot down those silly Republican, but as long as writing continues to be therapeutic, I’ll just have to keep it up. The latest rant on talk radio is all about “good riddance” to Arlen Spector (R>D:PA) and any other “RINOs” that want to leave. They have somehow come to believe that the reason they got voted out in droves is that they weren’t conservative enough. I’m not making this up!

After 8 years of GWB and his wasted trillions on Iraq and bankers, they get their panties in a knot about $800+billion that at least goes to America and Americans. You have to love the logical gymnastics that goes like this.

Criticism of Bush is “blame America first”.
Bush ran the government.
Government is bad.
Criticism of government is good.
Repeat as needed.


As has been pointed out, it is difficult to compare the outcome of a fair and (small d) democratic election with tyranny. Define tyranny: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator, not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition, etc. Has anyone put forward an argument that somehow the Democrats are ruling outside the constitution? I remember voting last fall, and there was a full-throated opposition.

Again, it’s not the hate, it’s the stupidity. Like trying to tie Al Qaeda with Fascism, which is a real hoot if you look up the definition of Fascism.

Basically the minority party expects the Dems to do what they want, thus making America long for the warm, comforting embrace of George W. Bush and Darth Vader. People can be scared, and they can be lied to. One thing is for certain. Great Depression II is going to be no place to oppose single payer (government paid) health care, a better social safety net and tax cuts for the rich. The “raising taxes” bogeyman is such a load of crap. If my taxes went up $17,000 a year, I would still be saving money on health care.

Try telling the coming generation that you’re in favor of crushing student loan debt, health care denial by insurance companies, bailouts for bankers, no help for home owners and a bankruptcy law that looks a lot like debtors prison and let me know how that works for you.