Monday, April 20, 2009

More Fun with Christians

Okay, there are a lot of things Christian in the US rant and froth about that the Big Guy never mentioned. We’ve covered abortion and gay marriage in that context. But the Republicans did such a great conflation and confusion of Republican virtues and biblical ones that most US Evangelicals oppose paying taxes, even though the Big Man said, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” in direct response to question about whether taxes should be paid.

Basically, Christian tax resisters and tax cutters are working in direct opposition to what their own god said in their own holy book. But the Republicans have such a tight grip on them that they disavow their own god’s words in order to reduce taxes on the wealthy, who, incidentally, are also condemned by the same god.

Once again, the younger ones seem to not be as rabid for the most part, but honestly, taking apart this religion is like shooting fish in a barrel.


Seth said...

I like to call this Republican partnership between evangelicals and rich tax evaders the "God & Mammon" coalition. (Slogan: "God talk for the poor, bucket loads of cash for the rich.") Unfortunately, that goes right over the heads of most so-called "Christians".

Steve said...

Someone like C.S. Lewis said that mixing Christianity and politics is like mixing Ice Cream with manure.

It doesn't really affect the manure very much....but...