Tuesday, January 29, 2008

State of the Nation

Bush wants to stay the course in Iraq and make his tax cuts (for the rich) permanent. These are very, very expensive. When does he suggest we stop running up the debt? How are massive tax increases NOT inevitable?

We have a $9 trillion deficit. Two thirds of it has piled up since the Bush tax cuts were supposed to increase tax revenues, ala Laffer curve and all right wing ideological doctrine. IT DIDN'T WORK!

How high do you let it get before the grown ups take over and raise taxes to pay it off?

This has been a completely right wing economy, spending, tax and borrowing seven years. The Dems were overrun. Massive tax increases are inevitable, and it's the Republicans fault. When do we admit it didn't work?


Mr. Osborn said...

Whoever rolls up their proverbial sleeves and begins to clean up this mess will NOT win reelection. Or accolades.

Or anything else but perhaps the admiration of those a generation from now.

That's what gets me.

Seth said...


That depends on how bad things get *this* year. If we limp by, you're quite right. But if the s&*t really hits the fan, the winner might just have a mandate to do things differently.

It sad to think that America has been so completely spoiled by unearned riches. Once a John Quincy Adams could tell us confidently that America "goes not abroad to seek monsters to destroy" and warned us that power would corrupt us. There's a one-termer for you ;)

Right now we need a strong whiff of 'third world status' to rouse us to try to achieve something worthwhile. I've heard that very phrase from at least one staunch Republican in a Red community. The awareness may not be long in coming.

Jeff said...


From your lips to the Deity's ear. We are so entitled as Americans and our self-image as a nation is so off track and wrong-headed, but I worry that American xenophobia will make any turnaround a long time coming.

50 yard line seats at Armegeddon.
