Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Southern White Racists

Okay, so it's the last day of our 3 1/2 month continental ride (20 US states and 1 Mexican)
and we're listening to Talk of the Nation (of course) and this self-identified "Southern White Democrat" calls in to add his two cents worth on the presidential race. He say, "My friends and I who talk, and we're all Southern White Democrats, we think we could back Hillary, but it's a tough call if McCain runs. We couldn't vote Obama for a lot of reasons. We'd have to go with McCain."

Neil asks, "What would be one of the many reasons?"

SWD responds, "Well, race. People don't talk about it but you know it's there."

Neil (incredulous), "So you don't think America is ready for an African-American President?"

SWD says, "Hey it's not just me."

I look at my wife with my jaw on the floor. Maybe I should commend the SWD for being honest, but Holy Crap! It's 2008! I tend to be prejudiced and assume all White Southerners are racist. Very little in my experience would lead me to change that opinion. I just thought they had all moved to the Republican Party.


Steve said...

NO! The racists are still mad at Lincoln, so will never call thyemselves repulican.

They are sore about his war of northern aggression.

But again...painting all white southerners with that brush is a fair as saying all Muslims are Terrorists.