Saturday, December 1, 2007

I really hate Karl Rove

Does anyone still believe anything that comes out of Rove’s mouth? His latest nonsense is this from the Washington Post:

"Rove said that the administration did not want lawmakers to vote on a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq that soon because it would "make things move too fast," before Bush could line up international allies, and politicize the issue ahead of midterm elections. But Democrats and some Republicans involved with the issue at the time said yesterday that Bush wanted a quick vote."


It wasn’t bad planning by the administration, it was those darn pushy Democrats.

How dumb do they think we are? By any usual measure, this will be successful for the lobotomized 27% of the population that believes Rove has a point, that Nixon was framed and that Hilliary killed Vince Foster. I’ll sadly admit to having close family members in that camp. They’re actually very nice people who have been brainwashed into never seeing gray, when in fact there are very dark grays and very light grays, but damn little is black or white.

The only good news is that this is a break in the incessant drumbeat leading to an attack on Iran. I’ve already promised Liz if the US attacks Iran, we’re moving to Canuckistan and becoming Canuckistanis. Y’all can visit us in Nova Scotia in summer and Cuba in winter.


Aaron Osborn said...

I am meeting some very nice Canuckistanis. They're great.

I don't get Carl or the people sheepishly following. It's sad, and it sucks.

"How can you tell when a politician is lying?"

Anonymous said...

Me too.