Sunday, December 30, 2007

Suicide Pakistan Joke

So I heard a dumb joke the other day, and I chuckled, but then realized that it demonstrates a really huge problem in this country.

Here’s the joke:

I was feeling suicidal, so I called the Suicide Hotline, but they’d outsourced it to Pakistan, and they got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck.

So, first I chuckled, but then I thought about how the average American would react to that and why. I think a lot of people here in the good old US of A believe that the “enemy” is Muslims. All of them. Islamofascists, so if you’re a Muslim, you’re a Fascist.

Brought to you by the Administration that “doesn’t do nuance”.

Do you think it’s possible that America is less safe because of the racist nature of the Right’s base and the blatant fear and hate mongering by the Administration?

If an occupying Iraqi soldier accidently killed your Mom, would anything about your view of Iraqis change? Can you imagine that maybe, somewhere deep inside, you’d wish revenge? Well, that there is the recipe for terrorists.

How did America fall for these boneheads?