Thursday, December 27, 2007

Seriously questionable priorities

Now here’s a perfect example of “Global War On Terror” as a ridiculous political circus designed and executed with only one purpose- creating a climate of fear that keeps Republicans in power. Check this out.

We couldn’t take the route we wanted to over Hoover Dam on the way to a traditional Vegas Christmas, so we made a daytrip from the Strip. There’s a long snaking line of cars at the two security checkpoints, a 15 mph speed limit over the dam, and a ban on trucks, vans, trailers, trucks, RV’s and rental cars (how can they tell it’s a rental car?) The are building a massive highway bridge costing billions of dollars about a quarter mile from the dam.

Entering the visitor center, there are xray/metal detectors and warning signs stating, “No objects larger than this.” above a twelve by twelve inch square. All of this makes us think about what a delicate piece of infrastructure this dam must be, and how we all have to give up so much to defend OurWayOfLifeTM.

So we go on the tour and it’s really cool and massive and everything it should be, when I notice an earthquake detector/seismometer. I ask the guide about it and he says, “We believe the dam could survive a Category 9 earthquake. The canyon walls would mostly fall in, but Hoover Dam would still stand.”

I’m practically speechless. (Those who know me realize this is only a literary device.) “What the hell is all the security for?” I ask him. “Well, those jerks that fly airplanes into buildings are going for a big impact on people by targeting the dam.” (This from the man who earlier stated that if a fully loaded 747 flew into the dam it might or might not leave a mark.)

I said, “The Las Vegas Strip is 30 miles from here; no vehicle restrictions, no metal detectors. So a bomb here that “might leave a mark” is a bigger threat?” As I was wearing my “Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11” t-shirt, I guess we sort of agreed to disagree.

To further illustrate my point, a Richter Magnitude 9 earthquake is almost unimaginable. I can find no record of one in recorded history. Each point on the scale is 10 times the intensity of the lower number, so a 5 is 10 times a 4, or 100 times a 3. They don’t even define the intensity of a 9, but for an 8 (one tenth as powerful), “Almost all structures fall. Bridges wrecked. Very wide cracks in ground. Total destruction. Ground surface waves seen. Objects thrown into the air. All construction destroyed.”

If this was an actual security precaution, rather than political theater, don’t you think they could have found something more vulnerable to protect first?


Aaron Osborn said...

ay yi yi.
political theater.

I was there, Hoover Dam.
While I agree human lives should be protected, it's used too often (We have all these precautions to protect human lives) as a least common denominator in an argument for political theater(Lives should be protected, but let's really help protect lives, not use fear as a form of control. But I guess it's always been like this as long as there are men in power).

There was the same theater going on in the orientation film we saw before the tour. How safe, and clean and life generating the Hoover Dam is. Making the dessert bloom.


The Hoover Dam is dam impressive.

Steve said...

Facts spouted by civil servants at Government there's a gospel we can all trust in!

The real truth about the security concerns at the Hoover Dam are explained in the movie "National Treasure 2"

The Tsunami of Dec 26, 2004 was between a 9.1 and 9.3 (and yes, at that magnitude, it is a little difficult to measure).

Here's a segue involving national security and ricter scaling: our BEST TRUE efforts at national security against terrorists might be to continue the American tradition of helping our neighbors around the world when things liek the tsunami occur. Building bigger walls, much less dumb dam security window dressing, while ignoring root causes is apparently successful politics, but lousy government, and will only "succeed" for so long.

Steve said...


It was the Transformer movie that holds the security secret to HD

NT explains Mt Rushmore's masonic origins