Friday, December 21, 2007

Great Depression II

I finally saw something in a letter to the editor that I’ve been looking for about 3 years. In a letter to the editor, a Phoenix woman wrote that she had lived through the last depression and that this was another one coming on. It’s odd that there are many people in important places who know perfectly well that we are like the coyote who’s run off the cliff, but hasn’t fallen down yet.

They’re all still pitching mid-caps and growth sector stocks, when they’re all moving to cash, diversifying info non-dollar currencies and getting ready for the financial Tsunami. I’m ready, but I really think most people have no clue what’s coming and are out there busily running up the Visa to buy cheap crap from China for all and any.

One bad thing about being retired is losing touch with the zeitgeist- are people talking about foreclosures at the water cooler? Are people still saying housing will go back up any day now?

As of yesterday, the major financial players and banks in the US had lost $40 billion dollars in the last quarter. And they definitely aren’t coming clean about all the crap they’re holding, not “marking to market” as the saying goes.

So how has America’s standing in the world changed under seven years of the Imperial Boy King W?

$9 TRILLION in debt, more than all 42 prior Presidents COMBINED! (That’s $27,000 for every MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN THE US!!! Whiskey, tango, foxtrot!?!?!?!?
Borrowing $2 billion a day from China, to continue tax cuts for the rich
Despised by people around the world
Civil liberties in tatters
Gang rape of the constitution by ideologues and fear mongers

Man, I can’t wait for a new Administration. Can you imagine what kind of hideous disassembly of a working government has been going on for 7 years? We need a Scouring of the Shire.


Steve said...

As I read this, Shyrel channel surfed, and the Bill O'reilly poll for listeners was: "Will OJ Simpson go to jail or not?" (for apparently stealing back his artifacts that dealers had stolen from him?) NEWS? So, not only Nero, but the public plays their fiddles while Rome burns. Lets straighten out those deck chairs, quick! Pay no attention to the listing deck! Or the man behind the curtain!

Or, to use the LOTR analogy; somehow, Frodo must have failed, because Sharkey seems to have taken over the Shire. But there must be an evil wizard blowing smoke, because noone seems to care.