Monday, March 17, 2008

St Patty's Day Crash of '08

Maybe they'll call it Green Monday? Whatever it gets named, today will see some amazing developments- Gold prices through the roof, hammered financial stocks and a plummeting dollar. I believe Bush & Co. have been setting this up as a booby trapped economy for the next (Democratic) Presidential administration.

Looks like Georgie got short fused.

You heard it here first.

Alan Greenspan- "Financial crisis worst since World War II." March 17, 2008


Carla said...

Hey - what's your opinion on the speech today by Obama?

I started listening to it on NPR, then switched to FOX news to hear the rest of it, as well as the commentary afterwards...

Steve said...

Yeah...I haven't heard anything myself by Jeremiah Wright that wasn't either fact or as plausible as anything Cheney and Halliburton, to name just one tiny portion of the industrial military complex, have expostulated!

But I missed Barak's speech...I think his job was to show diplomacy, but hopefully not sel out Jeremiah. I think there are emough people like me who are not convinced by Fox news' soundbites that jeremiah is problematic...and then I heard Lauren green, on Fox say she hears that kind of rhetoric all the time at black churches, and did not seem to be that upset about it.