Monday, March 31, 2008

Oh crap!

Okay, the assclowns in charge of the country are apparently too freaking shameless to have the sense to change policies. There is no way any sane person could think we are "winning" in Iraq (whatever that means) and that the economy here is great and yet the Morons in Chief continue to tell us everything is fine. Here's the real score:

The economy is screwed. Big time. Up the ass with a broomstick. This is the worst financial circumstance in 80 years. You are all going to suffer hideously from the collapsing labor market, the failure of banks, the collapse of local governments, the loss of savings in bank failures, the unimagined social upheaval of food riots, the pillaging of America, and the loss of yours truly to a farm in Costa Rica.

I'll take my gold and my land and some family members, and join the ex-pat and native community in providing healthy, nutritious local foods and low impact power to the place where we can live in harmony while the US burns. Sorry, y'all, but a second Bush term basically proved that you don't deserve a way out from the madness.

Enjoy a hedge fund manager burger for me and have a nice life. America has been gang raped to death by the Bush administration.