Friday, March 27, 2009

A Whole New Thang

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the entire game is shifting, and man, do I mean entire. The idea that unregulated free market capitalism, as we’ve experienced since Reagan, is fraudulent and evil and has had huge financial, ethical, moral and humanitarian consequences and they are completely nontrivial. Much of the US and much of the world bought into the unregulated invisible hand as wiser than mere mortals and vastly superior to the judgments of a democratically elected government.

Just how screwed we are and how long it will last and just how bad it would be are issues that are just coming onto the radar screens of the ink stained wretches, to mix the hell out of a metaphor. When we start getting down to it, it all becomes much clearer, but the unholy alliance of the Religious Right, business and the wealthy was doomed from the start, in spite of a nearly three decade run. Now that the unemployed Evangelical sees whom he was supporting at AIG, the entire structure falls of it’s own weight. The party of the angry old white guy will be a minor distraction and regional footnote to the political story of 21st century America.

To them, I say good riddance and don’t let the door hit you in the ass.


HDLee said...

why is it that Americans think they are the centre of our universe ?

Come to Africa and see how "an emerging market" lives . . . and I agree with Steve on the affect that the power houses (ALL of them) have had on "emerging markets" in the last few decades . . . the term - emerging "markerts" - speaks for itself !?! Rape, pilage and plunder all over again on a NEW level . . .

I am NOT talking about "investors" losing their "savings" / millions / billions, or AIG, or GM - lets not get into the relaxation of "credit" or CDS's or CDO's and the quadrillions BET and LOST . . .

Here there are real people surviving at a grass roots level - too ignorant or apathetic to understand let alone protest . . .

Unlike what we are begining to see in the protests in "developed" countries - and that is just the begining . . .

won't appologise HD-also-likes-to-RANT-Lee
p.s. DELIGHTED I'm African albeit with a swedish surname
p.p.s "Hopeful" you visit - your brothers word . . .

Jeff said...

My brother's word and $3.00 will get you a latte at Starbucks. I will to into consideration the idea that I'm being too US centric, but here it is really very easy to forget there's a world beyond US borders.

US media: "Tsunami destroy Asia. American feared missing."

HDLee said...

stockenstromI don't want to influence your "RANT" I appreciate your articulation - just NEED to table the "other side"

your brothers word and $3,00 for a starbucks will get me a latte? New York fell off my list after 9/11 - so I won't be getting that

You ARE NOT BEING TOO US centric . . . you are being YOU . . . Under the circumstances . . . I'm DELIGHTED that I have some "voice" in ALL of this . . .

THANK you for that . . . .

p.s. Jeff come visit Africa - maybe it will surprise you? you'd be getting "the best of the best" as my father's saying goes in terms of directive for the journey - what BETTER time to take a journery?

Cat said...

I don't think there's much I can say besides, "Amen brother!" Well that creeps me out a bit because of my dark evangelical past.

One thing I have never understood is how evangelicals can sleep at night. They claim to be god-fearing, god-loving people and yet they crave corporate greed and the golden calf more than any atheist I know. They reject the principles that Jesus, whom they claim to follow, preached in his sermon on the mount.

Where are the meek? Where are the humble? They sure aren't lining the pews of a megachurch, that much is apparent.

If there is a god, they're screwed. That's all I'm sayin'. And yeah, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you, free market capitalists.