Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Rush Limbaugh- My Hero

Okay, nobody loathes the dittoheads and their master as much as I do, but Oh. My. God. The Republicans are just shitting themselves over this vacuous blowhard who holds sway with the hard-core right wing base. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele was forced to apologize, stating, “I respect Rush Limbaugh, he is a national conservative leader, and in no way do I want to diminish his voice."

Can we start a “Draft RushSarah2012.com” committee and get these idiots on the ticket? Nothing could better guarantee Obama’s second term. I’d write them a check in a heartbeat.

On his site, Rush is currently bloviating on how the collapse of the stock market is Obama’s fault; the fall started in September when the market realized Obama was going to win. That’s funny, as I recall, McCain went down in flames after the market did, and people realized what a dog’s breakfast Bush & Company had made of things. There will always be idiots who agree with Limbaugh, but I can’t imagine an America in which a majority would vote for him.

My personal enmity for the guy has a lot to do with my parents, who are huge fans of Limbaugh. How the hell can self-described Evangelical Christians take their moral guidance from a thrice-divorced drug addict? And why should the head of a political party have to apologize to the nitwit?


Anonymous said...

this guy is full of himself. It will be a great day in radio when he departs the airways.