Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Supremely Ridiculous

So here I am trying to figure out what the hell to write about. The Huffington Post had a link to a David Duke white supremacy site, and it occurred to me that the attendees at white supremacist meeting look to be some of the least supreme people I’ve ever seen. Definitely ignorant, unlikely to be educated, successful only in the sense of not having starved to death yet.

The focus currently of such groups is the problem with the guy about to enter the White House. How many of the posters on do you suppose went to Harvard Law School, or could have gotten in? I’m thinking damn few. Maybe instead of white supremacy they should call it personal insecurity and be done with it.

I’m so sick of these morons that I’m hoping we can just flush all the racists and be done with it. Go public, get bitch slapped, repeat.

Hell, I’m a 13th generation American, mostly English with some Dutch thrown in, and in traveling around the world I sure didn’t find that the white ones were better or smarter than the tan ones, the olive ones, the brown ones, the black ones or anyone else. If I had to admit to any racism it might be that Asians are smarter than the rest of it. But then again, I think it’s for cultural, rather than racial reasons. But honestly, if you look at the racial makeup of the University of California, you gotta think them Asians got something on whitey, but you don’t see them forming “Yellow Power” movements, even though they could probably statistically prove superiority. Sheesh.


Steve said...

Funny you mentions Asians and California schools. It seems I remember there being a movement at one point to reverse affirmative action in their entrance exams to the UC system. Meaning the bar was to be set higher for folks who checked the yellow box on their application. I think it was presented by whites, but they used the other people of color as their civil rights camouflage.