Friday, December 5, 2008

Next Job

It has been stated that in the nearly 8 years since he left office, Bill Clinton has pulled down $110 million in speaking and consulting fees. This says a lot about how his judgment and policies are viewed, widely and globally.

How many people do you suppose will pay to hear W speak? There were times when I would have paid him to shut up, but I’m not exactly smack in the middle of his demographic. I just can’t imagine having to explain to shareholders why you spent perfectly good money for advice from the worst President in history. Poor sap. Some right wing think tank will probably give him a title, a stipend and a strong warning against opening his mouth in public or leaving the US.

That poor bastard Alberto Gonzalez couldn’t find work in the private sector for almost a year, and it’s a temporary gig.

Gee, maybe they were right about one thing. A free market tells you what people think you’re worth. And these buckos ain’t worth diddly.