Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Says it all


jl1985 said...

Ooo... I can play this game too!

Atheism – The belief that human dignity is purely imaginary, that the laws of entropy don’t apply to biology, and the all thoughts are a series of chemical reactions, morally indistinguishable from Mentos in a Coke bottle.

jl1985 said...

Or how about this one:

Atheism - The only worldview where I get to be smarter than the greatest minds in human history.

jl1985 said...

I got another:

Atheism - Screw Mother Theresa... stupid old hag was nothing but a fake anway.

jl1985 said...

Last one for the day:

Atheism - Survival of the fittest means that the whales can save their own damn selves.

Wait... wouldn't that make the Catholics and Mormons with ten kids the fittest from an evolutionary standpoint?

Jeff said...

Actually, the Jews are getting smarter cuz the bright ones, the rabbis, can have kids.

The catholic take their brightest and make them celibate.

That's why Jews are smarter than Catholics. Breeding out intelligence.