Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thanks for the great economy, W!

Even though I've been calling it for years, it's a little frightening to see it in print. And yes, I have 50 pounds of dried beans and 50 pounds of rice on top of every refrigerator I own.

Food scarcity in America. Ouch.


Mr. Osborn said...

That says "Osborn"?

Jeff said...


What does that mean?

Jeff said...

WOW! I didn't read it. Amazing.

jl1985 said...

Yeah... my friends are banging down my door looking for food. They're running out of meatloaf at the school cafeteria. I drive by starving children in the streets every day on my way to work. Who would have ever thought it would come to this? I can't go on any longer! I'll have to smother my children in their sleep to save them from the horror of slow starvation.

Oh... wait... my local grocery store is having a fire sale on breakfast cereal... 10 boxes for $10. Gotta jet!

Jeff said...

Now that's a Kompassionate Konservative! Mexicans are paying twice as much for tortillas, food riots in Haiti, but the Hummer still has half a tank, so fuck the rest of the world!

If I can't see it from the Hummer, who cares!