Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hard to rant here

Again, the scenery is not conducive to ranting, rather it moves one toward the aesthetic. First we see me and the girls at the beach house on Upper Captiva Island (no roads, no cars, no problem) and then my thoughts on the state of the US economy as rendered in fabric. I call it "A Bad Day for the Dow", and it's an original design.

What's next? Ranting in Haiku?

The Bush White House crew?
Disaster for all of us.
Impeach, convict, kill.


Bo Lancaster said...

Great quilt! You should also try another form of Japanese poetry, the tanka... it has the same meter as a haiku but you add two lines of seven syllables each at the end. (Ah, how incredibly useful to have been an English major.)

See you guys next week!

Carla said...

That quilt is totally rad. Nice job!