Thursday, February 7, 2008

That was fun

When I heard that Mitt Romney was dropping out of the race, I immediately dialed in my local ditto-head channel to see what the thrice divorced drug addict had to say. Rush has been trashing McCain for his alleged "liberal" views and actions, so what would he do if McCain was the only option?

He's still beating them up! The Republicans can't win without their maniacal crazies, so there's a sudden dash of hope in the air!

Obama/Richardson '08!!!


Steve said...

The logic that McCain isn't conservative enough is so weird. Who will the conservatives vote for if choosing between him and the Democrats?

Obama/Richardson? from your lips to God's ears...if you don't mind!

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama:

Vote to reauthorize the Patriot Act? Check.

Vote to continue to fund the war? Check.

Propose to potentially use a first strike nuclear weapon against Iran? Check.

Propose to increase the federal budget by $287 billion? Check.

Jeff said...

Ooooh! It's a brave anonymous poster! Which is it, child molester, criminal or coward?

Imagine a rabid right wing assclown organization calling for tax cuts while we have a $9 trillion deficit. Gee, that's a source that I'm going to trust for sure!

Steve said...


What's your point? do you agree or disagree with these votes?

Jeff said...

It just shows that it's hard to win a Presidential election as a Senator, because your record has hundreds or thousands of votes on issues that may be very nuanced. I feel bad for Hillary and other Dems about voting to go to war in Iraq- at the time, the Right excoriated them for not giving GWB some heft to negotiate with. Why are you emasculating this country?

Anyway, it's nice to see the big, bwave anonymous poster show up. Izzums lonely?