Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Microsoft vs. Apple

The argument used to be IBM vs. Apple, but Microsoft so swiftly and sweetly screwed IBM, the Microsoft in it's day, out of the very PC market it (IBM) invented. I was in the thick of the fight from 1984 to the early 90's when us Mac fanatics became resigned to number 2. It still escapes me why the superior products didn't win in the marketplace. Maybe if it had been a free market. Microsoft then went on to be the thieving, johnny come lately "innovation thru theft of intellectual property" bullies that they are today. Spend 10 minutes with the new Windows Vista operating system and try to keep the image of Bill Gates burning at the stake out of your head.

It can't be done.

I spent the last year or so trying to get a Palm with Windows Mobile to work. Just as a phone, even, it just sucks. My fingers are too big to hit the buttons or read the letters and numbers. When you put it to your ear, it assumes you are using the touch screen to enter data, so after call unwinding of whatever you accidentally unleash is another annoying waste of time. I fully am incapable of answering it when it's right in my hand and ringing fully 50% of the time.

Yesterday, I got an iPhone. OMG. Everything does what it says it does and more. I was using it EASILY in 30 seconds. Switching carriers was painless and simple. It's a vastly better phone than my last one, a vastly superior web browsing device, even a wildly better video player than my Nintendo DS.

What a fantastic product. I just might start carrying a cell phone again.


Steve said...

I looked at an iphone for about 2 minutes yesterday....now I am in a funk.

The reason Apple did not become ubiquitous is the same reason we drive fossil fuel cars still, and still pollute like we knew better than 50 years ago.

sheeple like to be led more than they like to think.

calypsonian said...

Jeff-- We spoke at the sushi place this past week in the French Quarter. I have an idea concerning creating job opportunities for students that may otherwise fail to qualify for higher education or are unable to fund it.
( and wind up like the guy who committed 4 armed robberies in the Quarter within one hour Wed. night). Create a job training center with no barriers to entry that teaches them the construction business. They could get hands-on training at the construction sites that you guys are working on in New Orleans. They receive valuable training in exchange for their labor,and perhaps a small salary for incentive. If anyone could make this happen, it's you.