Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Is anyone paying attention?

Right there on the front page of today's New York Times is all the news I need to know about the GWOT. These dumb asses in the Administration took away our rights, sodomized the Constitution, tortured in our names, and basically pissed the whole world off at us to keep us safe.

NYT-WASHINGTON- (Headline) Intelligence Chief Says Al Qaeda Improves Ability to Strike in US

(Body) Al Qaeda is gaining in strength from its refuge in Pakistan and is steadily improving its ability to recruit, train and position operatives capable of carrying out attacks inside the US, the Director of National Intelligence told a Senate panel on Tuesday.

WHAT!!! An underplanned war in Iraq, and an underequipped war in Afghanistan have left Al Qaeda more able to hit us. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!

Honest to God, whne you think of the alternative uses we could have had with the lost trillion dollars it makes me literally sick to my stomach.


Mr. Osborn said...

I've had conversations with people who still believe that Iraq was begind 9/11.


Jeff said...

Sadly many Muslims around the world believe it was the Mossad.