Friday, February 13, 2009

Eight is Enough

Is it just me or have House Republicans failed to come up with any ideas other than “cut taxes” for the last few decades? Can we concur that much of the massive debt we hand to future generations was caused by tax cuts? Eight years of tax cuts and 30 years of deregulation get us to Great Depression II and these idiots call for more of the same? How do you keep a straight face?

Holy crap, it’s hard to imagine how they can hold their unholy (sic) amalgam of the wealthy, the snake handlers and the racists who make up their core. It’s impressive to get uneducated and unskilled labor to vote down taxes for estates over $6 million. It’s also impressive to be the party of Jesus run by a lot of rich guys. (BTW, Jesus is the guy who said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom off heaven.” What, is that open to interpretation?) It’s impressive to win a second term campaigning on values, and then working full time to privatize Social Security. How would those private accounts be doing in this market? What? I can’t hear you.

There’s really no stopping the fall of just about everything without addressing the unreal loads of debt carried by individuals, corporations and governments. How to pull that off in a globalized economy should be interesting. Already, barriers to trade are being erected by governments increasingly scared of their own citizens.

Recently, USA Today ran a front-page story on the financial collapse and stated it could be as bad as the Great Depression of the 1930’s. I read a copy of USA Today once a month or so to see what the lumpenproletariat is being told. Readers of the WSJ or NYT have known it for months. Readers of have known it for years.

As ever, I’m fascinated by the social implications, and am watching for new developments; foreclosed McMansions turned multifamily, tent cities, kibbutz like farming by the unemployed, household husbandry (goats and chickens in suburbia), community gardening, increased hunting/poaching, new multigenerational households and the like. They must be out there or beginning, but it’s hard to find hard data.

May both my readers ride out the nasty decade ahead with dignity and kindness. Good luck. You’ll need it.


anne said...

are you saying the republican party is the party of jesus?
i don't think so,
they are more in line with the pharisees who hated jesus as i recall
anyway, i too am looking for signs of this recession, so far food is getting more expensive, and stuff at the mall is getting cheaper,
that's sorta wack