Monday, January 12, 2009

On Bush’s last press conference

Oh my God, I can’t stand this idiot. How a majority of voters picked this guy twice is beyond me, and is probably the biggest argument against democracy that I can think of. He’s going on now about why Katrina aftermath wasn’t his fault, because Air Force One in Baton Rouge would distract from rescue operations. Huh? We didn’t need HIM there; we needed qualified professionals there. It’s a shame that he’ll probably never hear from someone like me who could fill him in on how horribly he has robbed my country’s reputation on the international stage.

My God, now he has the audacity to say that people don’t dislike America abroad, just a few old European countries. “I don’t worry about popularity.” Jesus, if he says “homeland” one more time, I’m gonna Ralph. It smells faintly Nazi.

This guy has handed us the nastiest economic, military and employment mess we’ve ever been in, and the assclowns is defending his policies as being best for the country and not about politics. Holy crapoli, I will so not miss this guy.


Unknown said...

Obama will have cataclysmic failures too. Only instead of killing thousands of terrorists, Obama will kill millions of unborn babies through his policies on abortion. Bush had a lot of bad policies and surrounded himself with reprehensible people. Obama is a naked socialist and race baiter. How millions of ignorant "white guilt" people voted for him is also beyond me....