Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving On

Eyes welling up, we watched the inauguration with friends and champagne, so happy the page has been turned on all that was the Bush administration. I imagined Cheney’s wheelchair had restraints, and he was screeching through clenched teeth, “We can still declare martial law, damn it!”

The brutality, the stupidity and the utter bull-headedness of the last eight years has really been a nightmare, and we’ll be paying the price for a very, very long time. Obama has inherited a flaming pile of feces that will be a decade or more in putting out and making right. We’ll see what this country is made of and how it pulls it off.

When starting this rant, I was going to go off on how the right wing attack machine is painting the new guy as a “godless socialist”, but when I googled that and his name, the majority of hits were defending him from that charge. Well done, America! Perhaps I misunderestimated my fellow citizens.

I fear that the electorate expects an immediate and huge change in employment and circumstances, but I’m happy to hear President Obama (how I love to type that) downplay any fast fix. The road to recovery is going to be tough, but hopefully it will be the “all pull together” hard times, like WWII instead of like Mad Max. The first scenario could do wonders for all of us, and the second has only one good point; it would be fun to write about.

Not really inspired today, but I had to get something out.


Anonymous said...

Change is great!

anne said...

it was so awesome to watch the inaguration, though lucia kept saying "no obama, dora please" which i will never let her live down

Anonymous said...

in american history this year we tried to watch the inaguration, but since it was a live feed, and we had a slow internet connection... the video was skipping!!! i had to wait until a could get home, and then watch obama's speech after waiting for 30 mins for the video to load. ahh the benefits of NAFTA

Anonymous said...

Somehow the present looks a lot like the past.

Mr. Osborn said...

I had 70 students crammed into my classroom to watch it during their lunch break.

A great moment for all of us.

Anonymous said...

You aren't smaren't.

Jeff said...

The last comment is priceless, "You aren't smaren't."

Two misspelled words in a three word sentence.

My case is closed.