Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Scary stuff indeed

I have no idea why I’d want to smash my thumb with a hammer like this, but in looking for an inspiring topic on which to bloviate, I checked out the Hannity Forums, obviously connected to our rational, thoughtful, fair and balanced pal, Sean Hannity. Holy crap! These people are really scary! There’s comparison of Obama to Hitler and OBL in the same post. Here’s a typical sample: “The electorate in this country gave the terrorists just what they wanted.”

Huh? I suppose just the way 9/11 made our constitutional liberties invalid, the election of Barack Obama makes democracy invalid. Somebody needs to explain to me what the hell is patriotic about accusing the President Elect of being a terrorist? How do you love America and hate the outcome of its most basic feature, the election? There’s a very schizophrenic cognitive dissonance going on here, like alleged Christians who abhor abortion but support the death penalty and the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghans. Honest to Dog, I don’t get it.

Let’s look at the last two Presidents and what happened on their watches. I recall eight years of peace and prosperity under Clinton. We successfully prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned the perps in the first WTC bombing, and I personally made a fortune. Then we had the W years. I recall a recession, and now the start of a full blown depression, 2 wars, Bin Laden still breathing and a 10 trillion dollar deficit.

What the hell are these people smoking to be afraid of a Democrat in power?