Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where do we go from here?

Now that the markets are facing collapse and freeze ups and a lot of really bad juju, the same old sorry assed Republicans are trying to fix things without looking like it’s another bailout for the wealthy. And that it’s fiscally conservative. And convince us that eight years of complete Republican control didn’t get us here. And that it’s the Dems fault. Specifically Obama.

I’m waiting for the Rovian attacks to compel us to believe that none other than Barack Obama and a (barely) Democratic lead Congress are to blame for the mess, rather than deregulation, absurd tax cuts and just plain stupid policy choices by the administration. Just as they did with Iraq, these assclowns have been trying to kick the economic can down the road so it blows up on someone else’s watch. The seven hundred billion dollar bailout is a Hail Mary play to keep the economic apocalypse off until January when it will obviously be Obama’s fault.

Americans (unfortunately) on the whole are collectively stupid and complacent enough to buy this shit, which is really heartbreaking. For many of them, there will be no “Aha” moment unless and until three things happens:
1. No beer
2. No TV to watch sports
3. No money to watch sports at bar with buddies

The sad fact is that at that point Joe Sixpack will not magically grow insightful and realize he’s been played for a schmuck by the “values” party that only “values” his usefulness as a taxpayer, a good little voting sheep and for cannon fodder. The fix has been in for so long that it’s waaaay too late to get on top of things. Just what Joe S. does next is the real seven hundred billion dollar question. What are his choices?

Move in with the in-laws? Move in with the kids? Starve? Beg? Steal? Revolt? Rampage? Something has to happen if Wal-Mart isn’t hiring and PhDs are cleaning the Slurpee machines down at the QuikScrewMart. How mad will these gomers be and will it be at the right people? These folks are very probably the same ones who own (multiple) firearms, so there could be some pretty interesting outcomes.